Uganda 2018
“I’m sending you off to open the eyes of the outsiders so they can see the difference between dark and light, and choose light, see the difference between Satan and God, and choose God. I’m sending you off to present my offer of sins forgiven, and a place in the family, inviting them into the company of those who begin real living by believing in me.”

– Acts 26:17-18
My Journey
Has anything unexpected and awesome ever happened in your life? It did to me. Let me tell you about it.

Three years ago, if someone had told me that I’d move to Uganda in 2018, I wouldn’t have believed them. But, since moving to Colorado in 2014, God has supernaturally directed my course, and I’m so happy He did! 

When I graduated from high school, I made a tough decision. I decided to leave South Carolina, and come to Charis Bible College in Colorado. This was a huge step in my relationship with God. I knew that He wanted me to go, but I had no desire to do so. Despite that, I decided to submit my will to God’s and move over half way across the USA to go to Bible College. God is always right. I had an awesome three years and I learned so much about God and my relationship with Him. 

After moving to Colorado, I began hearing about all the work that Charis Bible College was doing in Uganda. Every time someone talked about it, my heart would leap and I would think, “That’s where I want to be!” I literally wanted to get on the first plane to Africa! 
In my second year at Charis Bible College, I was required to go on a mission’s trip. I asked the person in charge if Uganda would be an option. They said no. I was so disappointed. I knew that God put this desire in my heart, but I didn’t know how I was going to get there. 
Then miraculously, during the first month of school, the administration made an about face and decided to make Uganda an option. The trip had only 12 slots available, and I was one of well over 100 students who applied to go. I didn’t think I had a chance with so many vying for the few spots available. Guess what? I got picked to go. When I found out, I was ecstatic! 
In February 2017, we went to Uganda for two weeks.  While there, I had the opportunity to speak at a youth conference, pray for the sick and see many recover, help build a house, and so much more! This trip truly confirmed the desire that God had put in my heart for this country. I knew that I would be going back. 
Sure enough, in my third year at Charis, I was able to return to Uganda for 5 weeks from April to May 2017!  My extended trip to Uganda was truly an amazing experience.  Not only was it my first time traveling alone internationally, but I was in a different part of Uganda than before, and working with a ministry I wasn’t familiar with!  Where we are weak, He is strong, and God did great things. While there, I had the chance to speak at over 20 schools, several churches and other groups, and I ministered in prisons three times!  Over 250 people gave their lives to Christ and many others were encouraged, ministered to, and helped. It was wonderful to see God minister through me to so many different people in so many different ways!
Shortly after returning from this last trip in April, I was presented with yet another opportunity.  I am returning to Uganda for at least eleven months beginning in January 2018.  I will be working with the Charis Bible College in Kampala, Uganda.  This will be a time of ministry and training.  After completing this year, I will be qualified to work with any Charis location in the world, or even start my own satellite campus.  God is truly at work at Charis in Uganda, and I’m grateful to be able to learn from the staff and help the students!  Who knows what exciting things are yet to come?! 
It’s almost difficult to believe that this is actually happening.  I could not have done this on my own.  God’s help and direction is evident, and He has led many people to partner with me by providing support with prayers, finances, and encouragement.
Thank you for being a part of this unexpected and awesome thing that God is doing.  You know, the truth is, He isn’t just doing this through me, He is also doing it through you – the people who partner with me.  I sincerely thank you for your partnership with me on this great adventure!  I believe that He will do awesome and unexpected things in your life as a result.
                              – Madison

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Phone Number: (803) 716-0277